Representing the HONEST Olartes

"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Updated: 4th May, 2024.
This matter is still with the court in Davao. Sadly, but quite deliberately, there are three out of four individuals wanting to be 'Land Title Holders' who cannot be trusted. In fact, they are deliberately, and sometimes quite maliciously, withholding information from everyone else.
The first of these claimants to this privilege is either a known swindler, or associated with crimes historically connected with the Titles in question. The second claimant has demonstrated unbridled greed and wants the 'lion's share' of any and all financial and rights of ownership. The third claimant has already demonstrated a lack of fiscal judiciousness, regardless of what may be their good intentions.
The fourth claimant? Now that the importance of my family has been recognised, the mood has changed and for the good. Both I and my wife hope that this mutual respect continues, and for the benefit of all the deserving claimants of the blessings yet to be realised.
The bottom line is the fist three claimants currently claiming the right to the Titles is fit to be given to any of them. The matter is further complicated by the Judge's statement that a Title holder will have to be approved by all parties concerned - to have "one heart and one mind". This will not happen because of the sordid nature of some of the claimants and their criminal past. Greed and corruption rules in the Olarte family and it is the innocent and undemanding recipients who are awaiting their 'blessing' who are suffering as a consequence.
So, it appears that these Titles will never see any resolution and will remain suspended indefinitely. In a perverse way, perhaps this is a good thing. Criminals and rapacious claimants should NEVER be allowed to control the destiny of these Titles, as we know for sure that whoever gets them will deny the remainder of the Olarte family their inheritance.
Will a fifth and honourable, fair-minded claimant come forward? Without legal guidance, it is unlikely. And the way things are proceeding, the only justice that would be served is if the three dubious claimants, of the four wanting to be Title holder, eventually went to their graves without seeing a single Peso from this dispute.
4th May, 2023.
This is a website that started out with the best intentions, and to expose all the bad things that have happened to the Olarte family since it was created.
We have now reached a point where the dispute over the 'father title' has landed court in Davao. The family still await a ruling to decide who holds the title, who gets what share, and how the 'dust will settle' on this very bitter and long-term dispute.
This is how matter stands at the time of writing. Sadly, a certain amount of infighting still continues to this day. Originally, the Alberto side of the family was due to inherit the land title, but many have now agreed that the Jose side of the family should also share in any rewards that come from any business related to the Olarte land. This is because some of the Jose descendents have shown themselves worthy of a share of the rewards. But I say 'sadly' because there is still a small element that exists with the Olarte family that think they are entitled to a bigger share of the land than their brothers and sisters, and other close relatives.
But it is a common aspect of all of humanity that where money is concerned, some will always try to get more then others. Greed exists everywhere in this world, and none more so than within certain parts of the family. But that is life. Some are maliciously ungrateful for what has been achieved for them by others. Their desire to be the wealthiest in the family knows no moral or righteous limitations.
Because this matter is almost settled I will 'let sleeping dogs lie'. Any previous recriminations are not worth the further torment inflicted upon this family by those who recognise no moral code, those who have dishonestly endeavoured to grab all the riches they can physically lay their hands on. It's an obscene and unruly sight, having to watch nothing less than their wanton greed, and as avarice consumes their dark souls. So be it. If they are successful, then that is the way it shall be.
End of story? You never know with this family. I hope we get closure, and I also hope that those (myself and my wife) get suitably recompensed for all the money we have put into this case and to help get the matter of rightful ownership as far as we did. I estimate both I and the wife have spent about 2 million Pesos initiating an investigation into the land title dispute. Whether we get our own further share of any good fortune that may befall the family is another issue. It was promised to us. I never asked for much for investing all of my savings into this investigation, my wife too. But we are due something for all that we have done. Let us see if those who now dislike us for what we have done in getting justice for ALL of the family will maliciously be used against us and we are denied our rightful reward. Only time will tell.
My final words are these: I have heard of the theory of 'Karma', that is what you do unto others will rebound upon yourself, good or bad. In recent years I have seen examples of this. Call it superstition if you wish, but the universe in which we live likes balance. Even on our tiny scale in the matter of all things that ever happen, nobody is ever overlooked. Cheat, lie, swindle, or indulge in some other sinful behaviour, there is always accountability. For some it comes beyond the grave, for others, in their lifetime in this terrible world in which we live.
The Special Power of Attorney given to me by the Olarte family to legally represent them in their attempt to resolve their Land Title dispute.
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